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glazed screens, fanlights & overpanels

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Doorsets with Side Screen

Integrated doorsets with side screens are ideal for the office or educational environment.

Doorsets with Side Screen

Doorsets with a Side Screen both Sides

Side screens help maintain an open environment whilst still providing privacy when required.

Doorsets with a Side Screen both Sides

Doorsets with Side Screen both sides and Fanlights

Our glazed screens can also include fanlights, providing glazing from floor to ceiling.

Doorsets with Side Screen both sides and Fanlights

Doorsets with Multi-Pane Corner Screens

Flexible designs to create flexible spaces.

Doorsets with Multi-Pane Corner Screens

Doorsets with Partial Side Screen

We can also manufacture doorsets with partial side screens.

Doorsets with Partial Side Screen

Single Pane Screen

Glazed screens are an excellent way to allow natural light to flow through a building.

Single Pane Screen

Multi-Pane Screen

Our glazed screens are available in bespoke sizes and designs.

Multi-Pane Screen

Multi-Pane Corner Screen

Our glazed screens are also available with corner posts to create glazed returns.

Multi-Pane Corner Screen

Doorsets with Fanlights

Fanlights allow light to pass from one room to another without the use of a vision panel and any loss of privacy.

Doorsets with Fanlights

Doorsets with Overpanel

Our doorsets with overpanels are the perfect choice when refurbishing older properties.

Doorsets with Overpanel